Ontario Home Efficiency Rebate

Ontario Home Efficiency Rebate

Starting January 2023 Canada Greener Homes Grant partners up with Enbridge Home Efficiency Rebate Program in Ontario expanding incentives at the same time. It is now called Home Efficiency Rebate Plus (HER+) – You Can and Should Take Advantage

In January 2023, Enbridge Gas and Canada’s Greener Homes Grant will partner to provide rebates towards eligible retrofits such as home insulation, windows and doors, heat pumps, and renewable energy systems. The new, coordinated Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program will help more Ontarians save energy at home. This is great news for residents across the province, including current Enbridge Gas customers who use natural gas to heat their homes and will benefit from enhanced rebates of up to $10,000. Participants can also offset the cost of their EnerGuide home evaluation with an additional rebate up to $600.

We’re excited here at AZTech because HER+ upgrades include our specialty – windows and doors. Here’s what you need to know about this new opportunity here in Ontario.

Home energy assessments

Up to $600
A required first step to determine which upgrades are right for your home.

Air sealing

Up to $1,300
Eliminate drafts, improve air quality and save energy with draft proofing.

Space and water heating

Up to $6,500
ENERGY STAR-certified hot water heat pumps use up to 70 percent less energy. Ground source, air source, and domestic hot water heat pump quality.


Up to $5,000
Generate your own power and reduce dependence on the grid, Solar panels and batteries quality.

Home insulation

Up to $10,000
Improve comfort, reduce energy costs and prevent moisture damage with attic, foundation, wall and exposed floor insulation

Windows and doors

Up to $325 for each
High performance windows prevent condensation and eliminate drafts.

Smart thermostats

Up to $50
Boost comfort and reduce costs by saving energy automatically.


Up to $1,650
Protect your home from climate change events, such as fires and floods.
Pvc Aluminum Window Aztech

More Ontarians now qualify

Ontarians will now have access to rebates through a single offer and streamlined process regardless of their home heating fuel type.

Cooperatives and homes that are not the owners’ primary residence and not heated by natural gas supplied by Enbridge Gas, do not qualify for this program.

Beginning January 2023, new applicants in Ontario will only be able to apply for the Canada Greener Homes Grant through Enbridge.

How the HER+ Program Works

Eligible home energy efficiency upgrades – such as the replacement of windows and doors – can get you as the homeowner up to $5,000 back from the HER+ program. It’s a double win; not only are you improving the energy performance of your home while lowering your energy bills, you’re also getting money back from the government for the completed work. It’s a great way to shorten the payback time on your home’s energy efficiency upgrades.

So, if you’ve been considering window replacement, both for energy efficiency and aesthetic reasons, that work can qualify for the grant, if you pair it with one other area of your home. You’ll be improving your home comfort, increasing the resale value of your home, and paying less on your energy bills by making such upgrades. There are also bonus upgrades if you choose to do more than two areas of your home – the more qualifying upgrades you make, the more bonus money you are eligible for in terms of a rebate.

The Steps You Take to Take Advantage of the HER+ Program

Enbridge Gas is showing its commitment to the environment by offering the HER+ program as an extension of the CGHC program, to both Enbridge customers and non-customers. Any homeowner can take advantage of the HER+ program through Enbridge, by taking the following steps – which they will be happy to help you with:

Get a home energy assessment completed by a registered energy advisor.

This will outline the areas you could be upgrading in your home for better energy performance, and that would qualify for the HER+ rebate program.

Get the complete report on your home’s energy efficiency

From your registered energy advisor. It will have the recommended upgrades you could make to your home.

Get the eligible work done as outlined in your completed home energy efficiency report

Remember that you need to complete at least two components in your home – for example, window & door replacement, and exterior insulation.

Complete your follow-up energy assessment

Once the work is completed, you’ll confirm that you have improved your home’s energy efficiency through this step.

Receive your rebate

The money will come to you within twelve weeks. One additionally nice thing is that you will also receive up to $600 back for the initial energy assessment – so you’re not out any money for taking the initial step.

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A Great Way to Save on Your Energy Bills – the HER+ Program through Enbridge

We are fully behind this program because we too believe in improving energy efficiency for all homeowners. We are very aware of how important windows and doors are to overall home energy efficiency, and we are proud to be a part of any such program.

We’ve mentioned that the program is open even to non-Enbridge customers. That said, for Enbridge customers, there are some enhanced features, including gas bill rebates, along with expanded eligibility for the types of dwellings that qualify for the rebate program. These will include:

  • Multi-Unit Residential Building (MURB) under 6000 sq. ft. and less than three stories
  • Joint commercial/residential building where residential space is 50%+.
  • Single-unit rental home which is supplied by Enbridge

It’s important to note also that this rebate program is 100% above board and government-backed. Enbridge points out that they do not promote this program through door-to-door promoting, or via telemarketing. A registered energy advisor will only knock at your door when you have initiated an appointment as part of the HER+ program.

We hope you’ve found this summary of the coming Home Efficiency Rebate program through Enbridge informative. We’d be happy to hear from you – please contact us with your comments and questions.

How To Use The Windows Calculator – Cost Estimates

How To Use The Windows Calculator – Cost Estimates

Let’s go through the steps when using our Windows Calculator.

Step 1 – go to our Windows Calculator.

You’ll see that there are a number of rows and columns on our Windows Calculator.  The rows represent each window with unique parameters; the columns have fields for the specifics of each window you want to have installed that have the most impact on the price.

Builder Repairs Plastic Window

Step 2 – Select or fill in the information for the first row on the Windows Calculator.

Each row has 9 simple pieces of information you add for each window.  These include:

  • What floor the window is located on
  • The location in the house (bedroom, washroom, etc.)
  • The number of windows of the same size and construction.  It is quite common to have several similar windows in 1 area.
  • Window width in inches (we need to insert a link to a couple of photos – “how to measure the windows”)
  • Window height in inches
  • The installation type (retrofit or full frame)  links to an explanation of the terms
  • The window shape (rectangle or other)
  • A checkbox for whether or not grilles are to be included
  • The color of your window frame (white, black, or other) exterior. (For non-white interiors please contact us).

Step 3 – fill in the same information for any additional windows.

You can add as many windows as you want to the Calculator – the default number of rows is 10, but you can add as many rows as you want, using the add row button on the bottom left of your screen.

    Step 4 – scroll to the bottom of your screen to see the estimated cost.

    You’ll notice that the Windows Calculator updates as soon as you finish inputting information for the row you’re on.  That way, you can see right away what the costs look like.  This is great for budgeting purposes; once you’ve reached your budget limit, you’ll see how many windows can be replaced for the dollars you have planned.

      Body Of Man In Work Uniform

      Step 5 – print or save your calculations and rough estimate.

      When you’ve inputted all your window data, you’ll have a total dollar estimate showing.  It will give you the number of windows, the estimated price, the HST and a grand total.  Now you can use the Print/Save button to keep a record of your work.

      You can always go back to your input data on the Windows calculator to change things around – add or remove windows, or change dimensions and other details.  We believe our Windows Calculator is a great way for you to get going on your window replacement project. Remember – we are with you every step of the way after that, in helping you create exactly what you want from your windows.  We look forward to working with you.

      Now, go ahead – give our Windows Calculator a try.

      Don’t forget – you are helping us by doing your homework and we appreciate it. Claim your $200 off the job when you submit us an Estimate done with the use of our Windows Calculator.

        Canada Greener Homes Grant Application

        Canada Greener Homes Grant Application

        Canada Greener Homes Grants application is a relatively simple process. The government has recognized the dramatical raise of energy costs, so they’ve made this program available. Here are some questions and answers pertaining to this important program.

        What is the Canada Greener Homes Grants Program?

        This is grant money specifically geared to Canadians for the purpose of upgrading their homes to be more energy efficient. In short – there’s free money up for grabs for you to make improvements to your home, which should make it more comfortable and less expensive to run, energy-wise. Let’s take a further look.

        What’s Covered by the Canada Greener Homes Grants Program?

        The program covers improvement to your home which make it more energy efficient, including:

        • Adding solar panels
        • Upgrading your furnace or heating system
        • Adding insulation
        • Upgrading windows
        • Any other approved energy upgrades for the home

        This means you have quite a bit of flexibility; you can choose the types of upgrades that fit best with your particular situation, because we know that “one size fits all” does not work with housing – there are so many types, ages, and conditions out there in our residential buildings.

        How Does the Canada Greener Homes Grants Program Work?

        It’s fairly simple – if you own a property that qualifies you can receive up to $5,000 back from the government on approved energy upgrades you make to it – plus another $600 back for the required evaluation you must pay for up front and submit.

        Who is Eligible for the Grants?

        You’re eligible for the Canada Greener Homes Grants program if you can satisfy two requirements:

        • That you can prove that you own your home by providing a property tax bill number with your name on it
        • That you can show the dwelling you plan to upgrade is your primary residence – for example by showing a utility bill with your name on it

        The following types of properties may qualify for a grant:

        • Single detached home
        • Semi-detached home
        • Row house
        • Townhouse
        • Cottage (all season, primary residence)
        • A mobile home on a permanent foundation
        • A floating home which is permanently moored
        • The residential portion of a mixed use building
        • Small apartment type buildings (3 storey or less)

        Again, the scope of this program is wide ranging – you can see that many types of residential dwellings may qualify. But time is urgent! Very few of the original 700,000 grants are still available. 

        What are the Steps to Apply for the Canada Greener Homes Grants Program?

        Here are the steps you’ll need to take to take advantage of the Canada Greener Homes Grants program: it’s actually not all that complicated, but you do have do the steps right, and in the proper order to ensure you get your grant:

        1 – Make sure the place you live in qualifies for a grant

        We’ve outlined eligible property types and the proof you need to show that you own your dwelling.

        2 – Get your EnerGuide Evaluation done

        There are various service organizations you can through to complete this step; it will ensure the work you intend to do qualifies for the grant rebate money. Important – this is a pre-retrofit evaluation; don’t go ahead and do the work first.

        3 – There is actually a Canada Greener Homes Loan program

        You may want to check Canada Greener Homes Loan program out if you don’t have the cash up front, but are interested in doing energy upgrades to your home; the loans are interest-free.

        4 – Once you get your EnerGuide Evaluation report

        Proceed with the work that’s been approved.

        5 – Post retrofit EnerGuide Evaluation

        Once the work is completed you need to go back to your source for the initial evaluation and get the okay that all the energy upgrade work was completed as specified.

        6 – Send your completed work documentation into the government

        This is your actual request for the grant.

        7 – Receive your grant money from the government

        Up to $5,000 for the retrofit work and an additional $600 for the evaluation process which you paid for up front.

        Is the Canada Greener Homes Grants Program Worth It?

        This program is well worth looking into – it’s essentially free money back for:

        • Doing the right thing and helping the environment by lowering your energy use.
        • Improving your home comfort in many instances.
        • Lowering your energy bills – the upgrades you make will eventually pay for themselves.
        • Potentially increasing the resale value of your home

        So there are a number of good reasons why you might consider it. It’s not every day the government offers up free money!

        Final Thoughts – the Canada Greener Homes Grants Program

        We get questions all the time about the programs out there for homeowners that can help pay for upgrades, such as:

        • How to get help with grant applications.
        • What the time limits are for grants and rebates.
        • Whether a new window installation qualifies or not.
        • How to assess a home for energy loss.
        • Comparing energy rates in a particular area.
        • Other incentives to upgrade to a highly energy efficient home such as a net zero home.
        • What retrofits are and how they can help.

        We know it can all seem a little daunting. We are here to help, as your resource for navigating the Canada Greener Homes Grants Program, and any other programs or incentives which may also be out there. We stay on top of these things!

        Top 6 Replacement Window Shopping Mistakes

        Top 6 Replacement Window Shopping Mistakes

        Buying replacement windows is an investment decision that is supposed to bring you more comfort, enjoyment of your home, a reduction in your energy bills, and an increase in your property’s value. As with any investment, it is important to buy something practical, efficient, good looking and appropriate for your home. 

        With that in mind, what are some common mistakes made when shopping around for replacement windows? Here are some of the most notable ones to avoid.

        Not Asking Questions

        There is no such a thing as a silly question when you’re spending your hard-earned money on new windows! Your contractor is a resource whose primary interest should be to leave you pleased with your purchase, and they’ll appreciate referrals if you enjoy the services and products offered. 

        Ask questions related to the product and its features, the installation process, and whether what you’re looking at is the right solution for your needs. They may even recommend something that’s more affordable, looks better, and offers added features that you’ll be able to take advantage of.

        The Endless Pursuit of Perfection

        We all like for things to be as close to perfect as possible, but it’s important to bear in mind that every product is made of multiple components. Things can go wrong, and if they do, the contractor is happy to make them right. However, there is such a thing as getting carried away or too obsessed with the pursuit of perfection, especially when it comes to window installations. 

        Whether your concerns are about ensuring a beautiful view, hitting a reasonable target for energy savings, getting the installation done during the pandemic when teams have a heavy queue of jobs to attend to or otherwise, we always appreciate when expectations are kept in check. And, of course, we’re always happy to discuss your needs with you to ensure a successful replacement and lasting satisfaction!

        Not Going Green

        Energy-efficient fenestration products are a must today. With all the positive benefits of switching to energy-efficient windows, it is really an easy decision that will help to pay for itself in the years to come. However, exceeding the Government approved recommendations to marginally improve the efficiency of your windows may never return the additional investment it will require.  

        The best approach is not only to invest in eco-friendly windows in the first place but also to follow the recommendations. If you notice that a neighbour has had their windows replaced with energy-efficient ones, chat with them about the process and get their opinion. They might be able to refer you to a contractor that’s ideal for your needs. 

        Putting Value First

        Shopping based on price alone is a mistake, regardless of what you are buying. Yes, everyone wants to get a good deal and save money, but quality, time, warranty coverage and helpful service all have their own value. You quite literally get what you pay for when it comes to window replacements that are supposed to properly insulate your home and last for many years. Compromising any of the above for a couple hundred dollars may cost you thousands later on.

        Postponing or Reducing the Scope of Your Window Project

        If it is time for windows to be replaced, it needs to be done. Delaying can cause added stress and expense, not to mention a colder winter inside! Not having enough money right now should not prevent you from fixing your home. There’s no way to predict that the same project next year will cost any less – if anything, it may be higher due to supply and demand. 

        Also, if you reduce your scope, you may be missing out on a lower price overall, as many contractors charge less for bulk orders. Not only that, but there may be different financing options available, some of which are interest-free, and the energy savings will practically make the new windows pay for themselves over time.

        Changing windows and doors is an important decision. Your home is one of the biggest investments in your life. Any change you make should positively impact its value, comfort, and appearance while not breaking the budget. For more information on our services and products for window replacements, reach out to us at Aztech Doors & Windows today. We’re happy to make your window replacement dreams a reality!

        9 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Windows and Doors

        9 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Windows and Doors

        Signs that it’s Time to Replace Your Windows and Doors

        Are you wondering how to really tell when your windows or doors have kicked the bucket? It can feel daunting to even think about replacing them. However, just like with your roof, appliances, or other essentials, it’s something that eventually can’t be ignored. Plus, they have a major impact on the comfort, safety, cost, and aesthetics of your home. To learn when it’s time to take notice, here are nine signs you need to be on the lookout for that it’s time to replace your windows and doors.

        The Frames Are Warped and Cracked

        One of the first signs is usually any damage along the frames of the windows or doors. Warped, cracked, and/or split frames not only look unattractive, but they can also cause air leaks in your home. This can impact your comfort level and your energy bills each month. In addition, it’s a pain to control indoor relative humidity as a result – for a healthy environment, it should be between 40 and 60 percent – as the moisture escapes through these openings.

        Your Energy Costs Are High

        As mentioned, old, cracked, and warped windows or doors are a major contributing factor to spiking heating and cooling bills. When you have your thermostat blasting away with gaps or air leaks along your windows, this can force your HVAC system to work even harder just to keep your home comfortable. And with energy costs increasing rapidly, more homeowners are recognizing the benefits of upgrading to newer models that can retain the temperature and provide greater insulating properties to keep those monthly costs lower.

        You Live in a Noisy Neighbourhood

        Is your surrounding neighbourhood ruining your sleep? Enduring constant noise and interruptions when you’re at home can have a serious impact on your overall quality of life, especially if you work from home. If you or your family have been struggling with the excessive sounds, whether it’s from buses, a nearby airport or loud neighbours, newer windows and doors with dual-pane glass can help keep your home nice and quiet.

        Your Furniture is Fading

        The single-pane glass used in many older windows and doors can also cause your furniture, artwork, and other personal items to fade over time. If you notice that many items near the window are looking washed out, especially woods and fabrics, replacing the windows with newer designs can block out the UV rays and prevent this from happening by up to 95%!

        Your Curb Appeal Looks Drab

        When you stand on the sidewalk and look up at your home, what’s your first impression? If you think it’s looking weathered and worn, take a closer look along your windows and front door. These can seriously impact the look of your home, making it look unkempt and older than it really is. By replacing them, you can help to maintain your most significant investment – not to mention keep your property’s value where it ought to be.

        They’re a Nuisance to Open

        Do you or your family members struggle to open the windows or doors in your house? If so, this could be a potential safety hazard. Your family should be able to get out of your house quickly in case of a fire or other emergency. So, if your windows or doors are sticking or not functioning properly, it might be time to consider swapping them out. 

        They Leak During a Storm

        If your ageing windows or old patio doors end up leaking and letting water pool inside your home during a storm, take this as a sign to replace them. Aside from affecting your comfort, frames, and flooring, this can also lead to mould and mildew spores, which can pose a health hazard to you and your family. If you notice leaks or signs of mould along your window or door frames, it’s time to upgrade.

        It Takes too Much Time and Money to Maintain

        If you’re spending more money and time just trying to maintain your patio doors, front door, or windows, it might be a red flag – especially if you’re spending more than you had hoped. You can put an end to all that costly maintenance with advanced frames made from aluminum or vinyl, which are exceptionally strong, durable, and can hold up to the weather.

        Buyers Aren’t Biting

        Have you placed your home up for sale with no real potential bites from buyers yet? Your old windows or doors could be partially to blame. These days, home buyers aren’t interested in purchasing older homes that require a lot of time and money to renovate. They want a home that’s practically move-in ready, and that includes upgraded energy-efficient windows and doors. They’re also willing to pay more for these upgrades in the asking price. So, if you’re planning to sell, make sure to perform this upgrade first.

        Other Considerations

        There are other factors the CMHC says homeowners should take into consideration regarding window and door renovations. These include making sure they match the original style of a house, determining how much moisture is being let in when in use, and if excessive amounts of condensation forms on windows. If homeowners still have a hard time determining whether to repair or replace windows and doors, a certified home inspector can help. With winter in full swing, it may be a good idea to have the entire house examined as a precaution.

        When you’re looking for qualified, professional, and reliable installation services for your home, contact us at Aztech Windows & Doors. We’re happy to provide you with energy-efficient, highly dependable window and door solutions that are built to last and look great!

        5 Differences Between Awning and Casement Windows

        5 Differences Between Awning and Casement Windows

        Awning vs Casement Windows: What is the Difference?

        Among the most popular window choices are awning and casement varieties. However, just what are the differences between the two? 

        When shopping for a new, more energy-efficient window for your home or business, you’re hardly short on options. This makes it more difficult to narrow down your choices, especially if you’re unsure which window would work best – not to mention look its most beautiful – in a certain spot.  Let’s examine them in closer detail. 

        Hinge and Opening Direction

        While both window types are traditionally openable via a hand crank, how awning and casement windows open in response to this form of user input is where they differ. Casement windows are normally hinged from the left or right-hand side. This means, when they open, they do so horizontally. Awning windows, just as the term implies, open vertically due to the hinge being located at the top. This resembles an awning shape when the hinge is fully extended outward. 

        Lite Configurations

        Due to the way they are designed, being relatively short but longer, awning windows can be configured in single, double, and triple-lite setups. Again, casement windows are manufactured in the opposite orientation, meaning there’s more vertical space per lite, so they can generally be configured with up to five of them. Both options are excellent at improving ventilation and fresh air intake since the crank is capable of fully extending the hinge, and a benefit to awning windows being configured with a top hinge is that rainwater can’t be drawn inside.

        Window Lite Size/Views/Daylight

        In the case of casement windows with two or more lites, the vertical breakups tend to be more frequent widthwise due to their taller and narrower form. With an awning window lite, you have a viewpoint and source of natural light that is more squat and generally wider. You can’t go wrong with either option, though discussing your plans with a window installation expert may help you make the best possible choice for rooms lacking daylight or those with access to a great view. For instance, our Performance Series awning windows, for instance, offer the largest unobstructed views per opening.


        Awning windows are usually positioned relatively low or high on a wall, so it’s a bit more work to reach and give them a good cleaning on either side. This is especially true if your ceilings are relatively high. Since casement windows are typically installed in the mid-section of a wall, they’re more easily accessible for cleaning and maintenance. That said, should you choose awning or casement windows from a reputable brand known for quality and long-lasting efficiency, they’ll hardly need any upkeep for years to come. Therefore, this way, you can’t go wrong with either.

        Interested in learning more about our awning, casement, and other varieties of high-efficiency windows? We’re happy to assist you here at Aztech. Reach out to our team today to narrow down options, ensuring you make a well-informed decision on the installation of your choice.

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